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coremicro® IMU

This product was developed from the technologies of the following awarded US Patents: 6,311,555; 6,411,871; 6,427,131; 6,456,939; 6,473,713; 6,494,093; 6,508,122; 6,516,283; 6,522,992; 6,611,170; 6,651,027; 6,671,648; 6,697,758; 6,940,999 and 7,376,262

To the Attention of coremicro IMU buyers
Due to the specialized technical support inquiries from the users of our coremicro IMU, AGNC only sells the coremicro IMU as part of the Universal Navigation and Control Unit and the Universal Navigation and Control Unit with Differential GPS which already have the coremicro IMU embedded in them. We determined that this is the most efficient way to help our coremicro IMU users.


“The world’s smallest(1999)” IMU with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS): AGNC-2000CMIMU coremicro IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)


The coremicro IMU provides angle increments, velocity increments, a time base (sync) in three axes, and is capable of withstanding high vibration and accelerations. Applications include land navigation, automobiles, personal navigators, robotics and marine vehicles, etc.

The AGNC-2000CMIMU coremicro IMU is a fully self-contained motion sensing unit ideal for various communication, instrumentation, guidance, navigation, and control applications.


Beyond the State of the Art MEMS IMU:

Compared with a conventional IMU, the coremicro IMU utilizes feedforward open loop signal processing to obtain highly accurate measurements by means of signal digitization and temperature control and compensation of angular misalignments and non-linearities. An angular rate producer is provided for measuring vehicle angular rate, wherein high-performance dither drive signal generation and angular sensing signal extracting means are provided for hands-on vibrating type angular rate detecting units, to obtain highly accurate angular rate signals. The angular rate producer includes a vibrating type angular rate detecting unit for detecting angular rate via the Coriolis Effect; an interfacing circuitry for converting angular motion-induced signals from the vibrating type angular rate detecting unit into angular rate signals and converting inertial element dither motion signals from the vibrating type angular rate detecting unit into processible inertial element dither motion signals; and a digital processing system for locking the high-quality factor frequency and amplitude of the vibrating inertial elements in the vibrating type angular rate detecting unit by means of providing an electronic energy including dither drive signal for the vibrating type angular rate detecting unit using the processible inertial element dither motion signals.


The AGNC coremicro IMU uses advanced MEMS angle rate and accelerometers combined with precision interface circuitry and digital conversion to achieve accurate angle increment and velocity increment sensing. The product's typical applications include:

  • Angle rate sensing

  • Acceleration sensing

  • Robotics

  • Industrial Controls

  • Test Instrumentation

  • Pointing and Stabilization

  • Consumer Applications

The coremicro IMU provides a simple all digital serial interface for ease of connection to additional system components. The inertial data provided by this unit establishes a frame of reference for the equipment to which it is affixed. The frame is defined by the sensitive axis of each of the six sensors and provides all three dimensions of motion sensing.

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