Striving to develop new and innovative technologies in the areas of Guidance, Navigation, Controls, and Communications (GNCC), Networked Monitoring & Sensor Systems, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Unmanned Robotics, and Computer Vision with our coremicro® product series – miniaturize the GNCC world.
We Are American GNC Corporation
Leading GNCC Technology since 1986
American GNC Corporation specializes in applying advanced and innovative technologies to contemporary problems of critical importance within the areas of Guidance, Navigation, Control and Communications (GNCC), Health Monitoring, Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Ground & Air Robotics, and Computer Vision. We are committed to providing advanced, integrated state of the art technologies while meeting the technical, cost and scheduling needs of our customers. AGNC strives to build upon its reputation for important contributions to these fields while improving the company and satisfying its customers and employees. As of today, AGNC has received numerous contracts from both the Department of Defense sector and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) totaling over $40 Million.
American GNC Corporation is a high-technology company that provides diversified engineering and technical solutions to both private and public sectors. Since its establishment in 1986, AGNC has been actively involved in developing new and innovative technologies in the areas of GNCC which resulted in our coremicro® product series starting with the coremicro® IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) which contained the world's first MEMS rate integrating gyroscope. Since then, AGNC has successfully invented and applied state-of-the-art technologies to solve unique and challenging design and analysis problems in a variety of areas spanning artificial intelligence to wireless smart sensor networks to control systems. Our team is committed to the success of each of its programs. American GNC Corporation's headquarters are located in Simi Valley, northwest of metropolitan Los Angeles.
Client Portfolio
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Research Laboratory
Rome Laboratory
Hanscom Air Force Base
Eglin Air Force Base
Holloman Air Force Base
Norton Air Force Base
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Edwards Air Force Base
Kirtland Air Force Base
U.S. Army
US Army Research Laboratory
US Army Research Office
US Army Aberdeen Test Center
US Army Topographic Engineering Center (now US Army Geospatial Center)
US Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Command (now Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center)
US Army Medical Research and Development Command
US Army Aviation and Missile Command
US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station
US Army Tank-Automotive & Armaments Command
US Army, Research, Development and Engineering Command (now Combat Capabilities Development Command)
U.S. Navy
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Carderock
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Dahlgren
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), China Lake
Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), Orlando
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) (now Naval Information Warfare Systems Command)
David Taylor Research Center
Office of Naval Research
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Ames Research Center
Dryden Flight Center​
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Glenn Research Center
Goddard Space Flight Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory​
John C. Stennis Space Center
Johnson Space Center
Langley Research Center
Kennedy Space Center
Department of Energy
Sandia National Laboratories
Missile Defense Agency
Alliances and Collaborators
The University of Texas at Arlington
Pennsylvania State University - Applied Research Laboratory
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University at Albany
University of Kansa
Children's National Medical Center
Georgetown University
Louisiana Tech University
University of Southern California
Virginia Tech